Lyrics to the Best Australian TV Ads Catchy Songs & Jingles

TV commercials with catchy jingles can be an effective way of making audiences remember your brand, product or phone number. In many cases brainwashing children into singing tunes for services that don’t apply to them directly to their parents, who are more likely to be their customers.

These days I’m addicted to streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ and Stan. I don’t even have a regular TV antenna at my house. Most of my workmates stream everything as well and so do my friends, so I’m probably missing a lot of modern Australian TV commercials and hearing people singing along to modern jingles.

The Best and Most Catchy Australian TV Commercial Songs

Here’s a list of the most memorable, annoying and catchy songs made for commercials in Australia. Many are from the 80s, 90s and 2000s and are ones I’ve seen a lot over the years. I’ve also included a few I’m less familiar with that other people seem to look back at fondly.

It’s weird how everyone hates commercial breaks so badly, but will get a weird nostalgia kick for old ones, especially with catchy jingles. It’s certainly been an interesting few days compiling these.

I’ve provided the lyrics as best I could so feel free to sing along! But be careful, some of these will be hard to get out of your head.

1. Birds Eye Fish Fingers

Captain Birdseye prepares bums for the kids

This sea shanty song reminds me a lot of the theme to Spongebob Squarepants. It features as a man dressed as a pirate called “Captain Birdseye” and he is singing with several children who are also dressed as pirates and they are on a pirate ship.

Birds Eye Fish Fingers Lyrics

Are you hungry me hearties?
Aye Aye Captain Birdseye.
I’ll sing you a song, a song of the sea.
Birds Eye fish fingers.
We catch em and freeze em quick fresh as can be.
Birds Eye fish fingers.
Quick and delicious for lunch or my tea.
Birds Eye fish fingers.
Gold bars of goodness so crumbed and crunchy.
Birds Eye fish fingers.

This song was incredibly catchy and had kids and adults all over Australia singing it whenever the ad came on. I remembered most of the words today decades later when I wrote this, even though I haven’t seen this ad in years.

2. Decoré De Family Shampoo (1986)

A naked man uses Decore Shampoo as a microphone

This Decoré shampoo commercial features a bunch of naked family members miming to a parody of “Duke of Earl” by Gene Chandler. The chorus of the song goes “De De De Decore” or “Duh Duh Duh Decore”. For branding purposes, I’ll go with “De De De”.

Decoré Shampoo Lyrics

De de de Decore
De de Decore
De de decore
As I shampoo my hair. I really love new Decore
I… I love that feeling that ??????
Oh no
Yes, I really love it.
Oh no
So does the family
New Decore
So yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
New Decore the family shampoo

3. Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe (1990)

House that is a mess after a party.

This series of ads for Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe cleaning products is incredibly catchy and has a fun video to match. It is to the tune of Ian Dury’s “Billaricay Dickie” and sung by sung by Robyn Moore. The ads feature Paula Duncan.

Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe Lyrics (1990)

Got a call from Mr Pryor.
He’s bringing round a buyer.
The kitchen looked a fright.
From the little do last night.
Although I felt quite sickly.
I had to clean it quickly.
With Spray ‘N Wipe all-purpose.
I cleaned up every surface.
Spray N Wipe’s a breeze.
Cos it cuts through toughest grease.
The kitchens sparkling clean.
And the buyer very keen.
So thank you.
Spray ‘N Wipe.

4. Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe (2010)

Woman freaks out because her house is a mess.

Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe Lyrics (2010)

Got a call from Suze our daughter.
Something had distraught her.
The wedding place in town had just burnt to the ground.
So the guests are coming here to make it more severe.
Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe made everything alright.
Makes cleaning oh so easy.
Is tough on all things greasy.
The wedding was a hit.
The house looked great I will admit.
So thank you.
Ajax Spray ‘N Wipe.

5. Australian Bananas – Make Those Bodies Sing

Little girls dancing with bananas.

Oh boy this song is annoying. I hated bananas as a kid and I hated this ad, but it still gives me a strong nostalgia kick.  It features lots of kids holding or eating bananas or doing sports. It also features iconic imagery of girls wearing banana skirts.

The lyrics just go something like this over and over again and overlap like a medley:

Australian Bananas – Make Those Bodies Sing Lyrics

Bana na na ba na na
Bana na na
Make those bodies sing
Make those bodies sing
Bana na na ba na na
Make those bodies sing etc.

I actually thought the lyrics were “bana nah nah nah nah” rather than “bana nah nah bana nah nah” until I listened carefully for this article. I guess this makes more sense.

6. Crown Forklifts – There Is Nothing Like A Crown

A crown forklift lifting a bunch of heavy stuff.

Times really have changed when having a catchy TV ad for your forklift company seemed like a feasible marketing campaign. This ad or newer versions must have run into the 90s as I remember this song, but have never bought a forklift before. Below is my interpretation of the lyrics, there’s a bit in the middle that is hard to decipher so please correct me if I’m wrong.

Crown Forklifts – There Is Nothing Like A Crown Lyrics

There is nothing like a Crown.
For picking it up and putting it down.
Place is here or take it there.
Low to the ground or high in the air.
Up on the stack lower it down.
If you want it off the ground.
There is nothing like a Crown.
For picking it up and putting it down.

7. Carlton Draft – Big Ad

People wearing yellow going through people wearing red.

Big stuff happening with red and yellow.

This ad for Victorian beer Carlton Draft was designed to be as epic as possible. It is a truly memorable ad due to the sheer scale of the visuals. It uses the music “O Fortuna” by Carl Orff. The lyrics are incredibly self-aware and break the 4th wall, literally talking about it being an ad that was expensive and it is for Carlton Draft beer.

Carlton Draft – Big Ad Lyrics

It’s a big ad.
Very big ad.
It’s a big ad we’re in.
It’s a big ad.
My God it’s big!
Can’t believe how big it is!
It’s a big ad!
For Carlton Draught!
It’s just so freak…ing huge!w
It’s a big ad.
Expensive ad!
This ad better sell some bloody beer!

8. Roof Seal

A seal inspecting the roof.

This ad for roof restoration company Roof Seal features a primitive CGI seal in yellow overalls on a roof called the Roof Seal. It features some nice before and after shots of their work and offers a free quote. The phone number part is quite memorable which is handy for kids who want to get their roofs repaired. Roof Seal yells “roof roof” like a dog at the end.

Roof Seal Lyrics

When your roof is getting lost between the lichen and the moss.
When your mortar isn’t where it ought to be.
Give it back that old appeal with a visit from Roof Seal.
1300 36 70 70.
Roof roof!

9. You Can On A Canon (1997)

A Canon pinter that prints a colourful picture.

You Can On A Canon Lyrics (1997)

How can you make the world seem and brighter?
How can you imagine something new?
How can say hey that’s kinda special?
You can on a Canon, you can do.
Can you guess what I’ve been thinking
Can you make my dreams come true
Can you do whatever you want to
On a bubble jet printer, you can do
Lifelike colour, super faster black and white and on plain paper
You can on a Canon, you can do.
You can on a Canon, you can do.
You can on a Canon, you can do.
You can on a Canon
Can do!

10. Pick-A-Part (1995)

Bunch of cheap cars you can buy.

This ad for Pick-A-Part, an car wreckers yard in Kilsyth, Victoria. The ad features a cartoon mechanic and footage of old beat-up cars in the car yard. Until today I never noticed the part about there being “no warranty” as its kinda whispered under the chorus. Genius.

Pick-A-Part Ad Lyrics (1995)

Pick-A-Part Pick-A-Part.
Don’t leave that car just sitting in a heap.
Come to Pick-A-Part where’s everything’s cheap.
Second-hand parts to second-hand cars.
From a door to a wheel to a bumper bar.
Now at Pick-A-Part there’s nothing on the shelf.
Cos you bring your tools and do it all yourself.
Check out the cars for the part that’s right.
You’re sure to find it, there’s hundreds on site.
Then you strip the car for the parts you need.
Pick-A-Part Pick-A-Part.
But do it carefully cos there’s no warranty.
Fussel Road Kilsyth.
7 days a week.
Entry is free and everything’s cheap.

11. Aeroplane Jelly (1980)

A plane jumps into a jelly.

Aeroplane Jelly’s jingle dates back to 1938. Here’s one of many commercials for it. This time featuring cartoon aeroplanes and jellyfish.

Aeroplane Jelly Ad Lyrics (1980)

I like Aeroplane Jelly
Aeroplane Jelly for me.
I like it for dinner, I like it for tea
A little each day is a good recipe
I like Aeroplane Jelly
Aeroplane Jelly for me.

12. Qantas – I Still Call Australia Home (1998)

Kids singing in the Brooklyn Bridge with the World Trade Centre.

Whilst this is the second of several Qantas ad to feature a version of the 1980 Peter W. Allen song “I Still Call Australia Home”, it is the one Australians remember best. This version features the National Boys Choir and the Australian Girls Choir in matching white shirts singing it at various landmarks around Australia and the world.

This includes the 12 Apostles in Victoria, the New York City skyline (including the World Trade Centre), e Great Wall of China, Venice, Argentina, Thailand and Kings Canyon in the Northern Territory. This version of the song mentions “Rome” rather than “Rio” as the original song did as Qantas was not flying to Rio at that time.

This ad had some high profile placements including during the opening of the1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and during the Super Bowl in the USA.

13. Banana Boat

A baby wearing a Banana Boat hat.

This ad for Australian Sunscreen company Banana Boat features a baby with sunhat at the beach with a very deep voice singing a parody of “Mah Nà Mah Nà” by Italian composer Piero Umiliani. The tune was made famous around the world for being featured in The Muppets and The Benny Hill Show. This ad used to annoy me as a kid. I didn’t like bananas at the time, so maybe that’s why. Here’s what the lyrics appear to be.

Banana Boat Lyrics

Banana Boat.
Fun sun protection.
Banana Boat.
It’s 30+.
It lasts 4 hours, 4 hours, 4 hours do do do do do do do do do.
Banana Boat.
Banana Boat!
Thank you.

14. Cottee’s Ice Magic

A little girl is exited about Cottes product.

Whilst this isn’t particularly catchy, it is still some sort of jingle or rhyme. I used to love this ad as a kid. This product looked so incredibly fun and it’s shot in a way that makes it look super appealing. I’ve bought Ice Magic a few times in recent years but it doesn’t seem quite how I remember it. It’s still a liquid syrup that goes hard like real chocolate when it comes into contact with cold ice cream, but the texture isn’t the way I remember it.

Cottee’s Ice Magic Lyrics

Is that a chocolate bee?
Or some giant alien flea.
On top of my ice cream?
Oh look a chocolate plane.
Or perhaps my sister’s brain.
And is that some magic mountain stream.
It’s Cottee’s Ice Magic to be quite precise.
And in just a few seconds it turns into crackly choc ice.
Mmmmm that there is my mum’s face.
Or something from outer space.
And there’s a chocolate sun.
Oops I think you just ate mum.

15. Cancer Council Victoria – Slip Slop Slap (1981)

The seagull shows slip slop slap.

Sid the Seagull is a mascot of Cancer Council Victoria and has become ingrained in the Australian psyche with its messages about preventing sunburn and skin cancer. There have been several updates to the campaign including new lyrics to “wrap on” or “slide on” some sunglasses. Seek shade or shelter was another step added later.

Here are the original lyrics that were written in 1980 and aired from 1981 in Australia.

Cancer Council Victoria – Original Slip Slop Slap Lyrics (1981)

The suns shining down.
So desperate to brown.
But skin cancers isn’t so hot.
No, it’s not.
So if you take a run.
Or work in the sun.
Should you sizzle like a sausage?
Most certainly not.
Be specially careful about small kiddies.
Remember these words.
Slip slop slap.
It sounds like a breeze when you say it like that.
In the sun this summer.
Say slip slop slap.
Slip slop slap.
Slip on a shirt.
Slop on sunscreen.
And slap on a hat.
You can stop skin cancer.
Say slip slop slap.
Slip slop slap.
It’s so simple.
Slip slop slap.

16. Cadbury Roses – Thank You Very Much

Cadbury Roses rubber boat overturned.

Cadbury Knitted jumper

Cadburys Roses Bike Tyler.

Cadburys Roses 1983.

Back before you could buy boxes of Cadbury Favourites or Mars Celebrations, the go-to gift for tokens of appreciation was Cadbury Roses. A series of ads with examples of instances you could give these away were produced. I find these ads especially nostalgiac as the boxes of Cadbury Roses have changed over the decades. I remember the 1994 ad best, but the 1983 one is also cool.

Cadbury Roses – Thank You Very Much Lyrics (1994)

Thank you very much for the care you’ve taken.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very very very much.
Thank you very much for the home we’re making.
Thank you very much, very much.
Say thank you with Cadbury’s Roses Chocolates.
Whatever the occasion or for any reason at all.
Lots of delicious centres covered in smooth Cadbury Chocolate.
Thank you very much for the driving lesson.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for taking us camping.
Thank you very very very very very very very very very very very much.

Cadbury Roses – Thank You Very Much Lyrics (Ballet)

Thank you very much for being so kind.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much,  very much.
Thank you very much for reading my mind.
Thank you very very very very very very very very very very very much.

Cadbury Roses – Thank You Very Much Lyrics (Knitted Jumper)

Thank you very much for it fits just fine.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very very much.
Thank you very much for the homemade wine.
Thank you very very very much.
Delicious Cadbury Roses makes the sweetest way to say.
Thank you very very very very very very very very very very very much.

Cadbury Roses – Thank You Very Much Lyrics (Bike Tyre)

Thank you very much for repairing my tyre
Thank you very much
Thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for the loan of your dryer
Thank you very very very much
Cadbury Roses they’re all lavishly covered in delicious Cadbury’s chocolate.
Make rose the sweetest way to say
thank you very much you’re one in a million
Thank you very much
Thank you very very very much
Thank you very much for feeding William
Thank you very very very very very very very very very very very much.
Say it with Cadbury’s roses

Cadbury Roses – Thank You Very Much Lyrics (1983)

Thank you very much for the care, we’re grateful.
Thank you very much, Thank you very, very much.
Thank you very much for being so helpful.
Thank you very much, very, very much.
Say thank you with Cadbury’s Roses Chocolates.
Whatever the occasion or for any reason at all.
Lots of delicious centres covered in smooth Cadbury Chocolate.
Thank you very much for doing the dishes.
Thank you very much, Thank you very, very very much.
Thank you very much just for being my missus.
Thank you very very very very very very much.

17. Lube Mobile 13 30 32

lube mobile 133032

Mobile car repair company Lube Mobile played this catchy commercial for years. It’s particularly memorable for the kid at the end who repeats the phone number with a lisp whilst wearing a flannel shirt. It was recently revealed that he was never actually paid for it and the footage was recorded as part of an “audition”.

Lube Mobile 13 30 32 Lyrics

Lube Mobile will come to you.
Tell me more.
Lube mobile.
Call 13 30 32.
Tell me more Lube Mobile.
Lube mobile can do the lot.
Home or office on the spot.
There’s just one thing you.
Call 13 30 32.
For everything mechanical, we’ve got it.
they’ll fix the car.
Lube Mobile will come to you.
13 13 32.
That’s firteen, firty, firty-two.

18. Snappy Tom – Cats Of Australia Have Made Their Choice

Snappy Tom.

The longer version of Australian cat food brand Snappy Tom made this catchy song that mentions places all over the country as well as different breeds of cats. This version is no longer on YouTube. Below are some shorter versions.

Snappy Tom – Cats Of Australia Lyrics (Long Version)

After every Tassie tiger takes a butterfly to task.
Tabbies in the Territory play Tonto in a mask.
After Toms from up in Townsville finish fishing just for fun.
You know you’ll hear them raise their voice.
Cos Snappy Toms the one.
For the Cats of Australia have made their choice.
Snappy Tom.
Snappy Tom.
Snappy Tom time they’re all of one voice.
Moggies down in Melbourne.
Sydney Siamese.
Even alley cats in Alice Springs.
They’re so hard to please.
Persian pets in Perth.
Breeds from Adelaide.
Burmese up in Brissy.
They all know they’ve got it made.
Cos they’re the cats of Australia have made their choice.
Snappy Tom.
Snappy Tom the cat’s choice.
Snappy Tom time they’re all of one voice.
Snappy Tom.

19. Pizza Hut Delivery 481 1111 (1992)

Pizza Hut 481 1111.

This is just a bunch of people in a hospital chanting “four-eight-one-double-one-double-one” for Pizza Hut Delivery. That’s pretty much it. The tune Pizza Hut uses for its jingles is part of the William Tell Overture by Rossini. This tune has been used for years and continues to this day.

20. Chicken Tonight – I Feel Like Chicken Tonight

Chicken Tonight ads.

This ad is mostly just people doing the chicken dance whilst singing “I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight!” catchy but not much to say about it.

21. Cottee’s Cordial – My Dad Picks The Fruit

Cottees Cordial ads

Parodies of this were a schoolyard staple during the 90s. This ad features several farm kids marching around repeating the same lines over and over again. They then drink some Cottees cordial.

Cottee’s Cordial – My Dad Picks The Fruit Lyrics

My dad picks the fruit that goes to Cottees.
To make the cordial that I like best.
My dad picks the fruit that goes to Cottees.
To make the cordial that I like best.
My dad picks the fruit that goes to Cottees.
To make the cordial that I like best.
Kids deserve Cottees Cordials.
Cottees, with the great taste of 25% fruit juice.

22. Vegemite – Happy Little Vegemites

Vegemite "Happy little vegemites".

Vegemite is one of Australia’s most iconic brands and this song is always near the top of any listicle article about top Australian ads. An absolute classic song that generations of Australians will know.

Vegemite – Happy Little Vegemites Lyrics

We’re happy little Vegemites.
As bright as bright can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch, and tea.
Our mummies say we’re growing stronger.
Every single week.
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite.
It puts a rose in every cheek.

23. Weet-Bix – Aussie Kids Are Weet-Bix Kids (1986)

Weet Bix 1986

This song has been repeated for decades. This is one of the oldest versions featuring more than just the chorus. When researching this I was surprised to see that Weet-Bix is made by Sanitarium and not Kelloggs and is not spelled “Wheatbix”. I used to eat these quite a lot as a young Aussie kid myself, but I guess I never really looked at the box too carefully.

Aussie Kids Are Weet-Bix Kids Lyrics (1997 extended ad)

They’re made of love and sunshine.
We’ll keep them growing strong.
With Weet-bix whole wheat goodness.
You can’t go wrong.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
We’ll keep them strong and healthy.
With golden flakes of wheat.
Weet-bix wholesome goodness.
Is what kids love to eat.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.
Aussie kids.
Are Weet-bix kids.

24. Cadbury Caramello Koala – They Call Me Caramello (1997)

Caramello Koala tv ads.

This classic ad parodies Donovan’s song “Mellow Yellow”. The animation in this ad reminded a lot of people of the popular cartoon Blinky Bill which also stars a koala.

Cadbury Caramello Koala – They Call Me Caramello Lyrics (1997)

I’m just mad about caramel.
It certainly beats the gum leaves.
I’m a smooth kind of koala.
And all of my friends they agree.
They call me Caramello.
They call me Caramello.
Smooth flowing caramel covered in delicious Cadbury chocolate.
I go with the flow.

25. Meadow Lea – You Ought To Be Congratulated

Meadow Lea Margarine with bread.

There’s been several “You oughta be congratulated” jingles for Meadow Lea. This is one of the older ones. It features a lot of different foods being prepared with big blobs of margarine added to them.

Meadow Lea – You Ought To Be Congratulated Lyrics

That broccoli sure looks good to me.
Meadow Lea.
Your pumpkin mum is something to believe.
Meadow Lea.
As for that potato.
I’ve never tasted greater.
You out to be congratulated
Your cherry pie.
Would make a grown man cry.
It’s not what you make but it.
Scones are absolutely bonza.
You oughta be congratulated
It’s not what you make but how you make it
The proof in the pudding is in the tastin’.
Your garlic bread is said to be a spesh.
And kebabs are up there with the best.
Meadow Lea.
No one else can do.
A barbie just like you.
You oughta be Congratulated.

26. Cadbury – Wouldn’t It Be Nice

Postman puts a Cadbury chocolate into a mailbox.

Cadbury surfing tv ads.

Cadbury Road Trip ads.

Cadbury Soccer tv ads.

Cadbury cinema ads.

Cadbury – Wouldn’t It Be Nice Lyrics (Postman)

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
Chocolate roads and trees and birds and bees
Delivering all kinds of letters daily,
Every kind of purple parcel too.
And if the dog did try and grab a mouthful,
You could bite him back he’d taste delightful!
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Cadbury – Wouldn’t It Be Nice Lyrics (Surfing)

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
You could surf inside a chocolate tube.
Ride your board across the wave forever.
Get wiped out and never get a bruise.
And if a shark came up and tried to bite you.
You could say ‘I’m chocolate – I invite you’.
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Cadbury – Wouldn’t It Be Nice Lyrics (Road Trip)

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
Riding in the car would be a tasty treat.
Changing gears would soon become a problem.
Cadbury dairy milk is so good to eat.
When you arrive at your destination.
You’ll be greeted with an exclamation!
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Cadbury – Wouldn’t It Be Nice Lyrics (Soccer)

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world were Cadbury?
You could be a soccer superstar.
The referee would blow his chocolate whistle.
A shot a goal would even break the bar.
And if you scored the winner.
You could have the cup for your dinner.
Wouldn’t it be nice?

Cadbury – Wouldn’t It Be Nice Lyrics (Cinema)

Wouldn’t it be nice if the world was Cadbury?
Going to the flix would be so sweet.
Don’t need any other kind of munchies.
Cos Cadbury dairy milk is the perfect treat.
If someone came and blocked your screen view.
Just take a bite and make a hole to see through.
Wouldn’t it be nice?

27. Reading Writing Helpline

Reading Writing Helpline numbers.

I don’t really recall this ad, I didn’t watch much TV in 2006 as I didn’t have a TV antenna in my study where I was generally playing video games or doing homework instead. Younger people seem to absolutely love the Reading Writing Helpline ad. Their phone number is repeated in a really catchy way. “One three hundred six triple five oh six” rather than in blocks like this 1300 655 506, which is how phone numbers are more typically displayed.

28. Toyota Corolla – Oh What A Feeling

Toyota Corolla tv ads.

Toyota ads have featured the “Oh what a feeling, Toyota!” jingle as someone jumps in the air near a Toyota car for decades both in Australia and overseas. Above is a randomly selected ad that is definitely Australian.

29. Life. Be in it.

Life Be In It tv ads.

I don’t really remember this too well myself, but Life. Be in it. started as an Australian government program and advertising campaign encouraging people to be more active and participate in recreational sports or other physical activities.

Life. Be In It Lyrics

Eat more breads and cereals.
Eat more breads and cereals.
Eat more fruit and vegetables.
And be more active.
Eat less fat less eat less salt.
Eat less sugar.
Eat less fat less eat less salt.
Eat less sugar.

30. Doors Plus – No Fuss

Door plus tv ads.

There were lots of variations of this ad depending on their latest sale. “Doors Plus – No Fuss” was just the catchy slogan at the end of each.

31. Smorgy’s – Can’t Wait (2001)

Smorgy tv ads.

This iconic Melbourne all you can eat buffet chain had locations in Bundoora, Burwood, Burwood East, Geelong and Ringwood. The brand is now defunct with locations being bulldozed or rethemed to other restaurants. They were quite impressive in design, but the food quality was not great.

Smorgy’s – Can’t Wait Lyrics (2001)

Two, four, six, eight.
Two, four, six, eight.
Two, four, six, eight.
Smorgy’s can’t wait!

32. Kraft Peanut Butter Elvis Ad (1994)

Kraft had a series of commercials where generic peanut butter jars would have an animated character pop out of them and interact with a child.

My favourite one was the Elvis ad. The animation in it is great. A little girl opens a jar of generic peanut butter and a greasy animated peanut butter Elvis pops up and sings a parody of “My Baby Left Me” by Elvis Presley.

Kraft Peanut Butter Elvis Ad Lyrics (1994)

When my baby spread me
I didn’t spread so good
I didn’t have the peanut taste
That peanut butter should
I’ve been so oily
I’ve been so oily
never oily and never dry

A later version replaces Elvis with a parody of John Travolta’s character from the film Grease

I can’t really decipher all the lyrics to this to bother writing it out, something about grease and being slick. Cool animation, just too hard to understand to be catchy. It is a parody of “Greased Lightning”.

33. Goulburn Valley Fruit Salad

Between 1994 and 2004, fruit company Goulburn Valley released a series of commercials with The Oarsome Foursome, Australia’s multiple gold-winning Olympic rowing team. A few of these ads have included songs, but this one to the tune of “Chattanooga Choo Choo” is the most memorable by far.

Goulburn Valley Fruit Snack Lyrics

Pardon me girls.
Is that a Goulburn Valley fruit snack?
Yeah yeah.
Fresh picked from the tree.
It tastes so good to me.
It tastes so good it tastes so good.
Well first they pick it and they peel it.
And they put it in packs.
There’s no sugar added cos we like it like that.
Fresh picked from the tree straight to Goulburn Valley.
Hoo hoo Goulburn Valley here we go.
Is that a Goulburn Valley fruit snack?

34. Rheem – Install A Rheem! (1994)

I think this is the version of the ad I used to see as a kid. I didn’t really know what Rheem hot water systems were as a kid, I thought it was to do with the actual tapware. In fact, I didn’t understand the lyrics at all, I thought they were saying “it’s dollar Rheem” or something instead.

Rheem – Install A Rheem Lyrics (1994)

Install a Rheem!
Install a Rheem!
For the hottest of hot hot water you’ve ever seen.
Rheem comes on steady hot and strong.

When researching this I also came across an even better ad from 1988 that I’m too young to remember myself, it has extended lyrics.

Rheem – Install A Rheem Lyrics (1988)

When your old hot water system gives up the ghost.
When the old geezer leaves ya.
like a piece of cold toast.
You don’t despair.
You take advantage of it yeah.
Install a Rheem.
Install a Rheem!
Install a Rheem!
Install a Rheem!
For the hottest of hot hot water you’ve ever seen.
Rheem comes on steady hot and strong.
When your old heaters had the gong.
Install a Rheem!
Install a Rheem!
Install a Rheem!

35. 13 Cabs – Will Get You There!

13 Cabs – Will Get You There! Lyrics

Any time, anywhere
13 Cabs will get you there
Any time, anywhere
1-3 Cabs will get you there
1-3 Cabs
1-3 Cabs
1-3 Cabs
1-3 Cabs
1-3 Cabs will get you there

36. Kan Tong – Doesn’t Take Long (2007 Version)

Kan Tong – Doesn’t Take Long Lyrics (2007 Version)

Mama’s making Kan Tong
It doesn’t take long
Mama’s making Kan Tong
It doesn’t take long
For the word to spread around
Mama’s making Kan Tong
It doesn’t take long

37. Australian McDonald’s – Two All Beef Patties Commercials

To promote the Big Mac, McDonald’s has had its ingredients list as a bit of a tongue-twister jingle many times over the years. The promotions often included getting you to repeat the list in under 4 seconds in order to win a prize.

Many of these promotions were back in the day before YouTube, so to learn all the ingredients of a Big Mac, you probably would have needed to tape one of these ads off TV in order to learn the lyrics to get that free Coke.

Australian McDonald’s – Two All Beef Patties Commercial Lyrics (1987)

If you can say
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun
In 4 seconds you can win a free cup of Coke.
It’s that’s simple!
Just say
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun
In 4 seconds and you can win a free cup of Coke
Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun
It’s two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun
Say it in 4 second sand win a free cup of Coke at McDonald’s.

Australian McDonald’s – Two All Beef Patties Commercial Lyrics (1984)

This older version was not part of a competition, but was presented as a medley of lyrics ending with “it’s a good time for a great taste at McDonald’s”,

38. Sakata – Sa Ka Ta

This incredibly simple jingle breaks down the name of Sakata rice crackers into just its syllables – Sa Ka Ta… Sa Ka Ta…

39. Me Bank – Hallelujah!

This is one of the most modern ads on this list. I once saw this ad play before a movie at the cinema and all the kids in the audience sang along. I guess that’s a whole generation of kids who will be banking with Me Bank one day.

The lyrics to this song are just “me” over and over again to the tune of the “Hallelujah” part from George Frideric Handel’s Messiah, which is both catchy and public domain.

What do you think?

Written by Keith Nallawalla

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