Premium Links – Australia’s Best SEO Link Builders

Premium Links OG

Full disclosure – I work for Premium Links.

I guess it’s weird that I’ve got this marketing blog but haven’t spoken much about what I’ve been up to in several years. I guess I’ve been quite busy. Here’s an introduction on my main project for the past few years – Premium Links.

What is Premium Links

What is Premium Links

Premium Links is an Australian Link Building agency located on the edges of South Melbourne and Southbank. Being an Australian link-building agency, we chose to go with a far more Australian theme to our website, which is all themed around sausages and barbeques. We wanted to stand out against all the other link providers who tend to have very similar chain-link motifs in their logos. So whilst the theme of the website is pretty different to everyone else, most SEO people find it clever and funny once they make the connection to “sausage links”. This allows our website to have lots of fun graphics and puns throughout. I’ve enjoyed working with our designers on the look and feel of the website.

How it started

How did it start

In 2022, Michael Trkolta and I noticed a gap in the Australian SEO market – there were not very many good Australian link-building companies. We had tried several for our own business and for our SEO clients, but found the content provided was poorly written, poorly researched and overwhelmingly vague and generic. The kind of content that we knew Google wasn’t going to be thrilled about indexing. We were also getting suggested publishers we’d already got links from or that got no traffic or were obviously complete spam.

In the past 2 years, we’ve grown the business rapidly, taking on massive monthly orders. Our vast team of both in-house and freelance Australian writers and now getting proper articles written and published in major websites and newspapers all over the world and working with big brands I never would have expected to work with at my previous agencies. We actively avoid cheap offshore or AI content writing and try and do everything the way we think Google will like the best.

How it Works & What Makes Us Different

Our manual outreach processes have evolved into something really special, getting us to contact industry-specific websites for our clients, many of which have never worked with link builders before, meaning our database of websites is becoming truly unique.

By focusing hard on working with sites that are not typically working with other link builders or SEO agencies, our clients can achieve much more natural-looking link profiles. It also forces our writers to put more effort into their articles than the typical industry standard, since we are publishing on real websites, not PBNs or the usual SEO dumping grounds you often see every agency use.

The idea here is to future-proof as many of our article placements as possible against Google updates such as the Helpful Content updates and other likely future updates. We check that sites have growing traffic, as well as all the typical other metrics like DA, Spam, Trust Flow and Citation Flow. We also ensure that the traffic to the site is from the appropriate countries for the client.

How it Works

We simplified our pricing model, creating Budget, Standard, Deluxe and Premium links initially and recently introduced Diamond and Platinum each at static price points that reflect the cost of publishing. The higher-priced publishers typically have better SEO stats, as those sites seemingly know they can charge higher. But it’s still possible to get some great value sites in the cheaper tiers. We don’t inflate the prices of good sites to ensure we remain competitive. Keeping our sites at static prices means that our clients can also select backup sites, so whenever a site isn’t available we can quickly swap it without any back and forth with clients.

Each of the link tiers also has extended word counts. Many agencies submit guest posts that are only 400-500 words long, which rarely hold much insight or value. Our minimum word count by default is 700 words for Budget and Standard sites, our most popular sites are Deluxe (1000 words) and Premium (1,200 words) and the Diamond and Platinum sites could be anything and are often written in-house by the publishers themselves.

What makes us different

Another thing our clients love is that we have multiple ways to order. Leaning into the food theme of the website, our main order option is A La Carte, a self-serve option where clients can get very granular with what they order, choosing the anchor text, landing page and publisher one link at a time. Set Menu is a choice of various bundle packs with the option to choose your anchor text and landing pages later or to leave the suggestions to us. Takeaway Links allows an express checkout option where the client can quickly add the volume of each link type to their cart at once and sort out the particulars later.


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Written by Keith Nallawalla

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